Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I've lost fat from not eating, and some muscle too, as my body tries to lower my metabolic requirements. I might have to engage in some aerobic exercise to get the flame burning again. I'd like some nice running shoes; I tried an intense regimen of jogging every day for a little while last year with the Zombies, Run! app. I think I went into it too hard off the bat, after about a week the pain in my feet and legs made me afraid that I'd hurt something. Maybe next time, when I can afford running shoes fit to me, it'll feel less like I've hurt myself.

I've also fallen off the wagon a few times. it turns out not eating for extended periods of time is difficult. I've heard willpower is like a muscle that grows stronger when you exercise it, so I 'm trying to avoid eating when I can. But at home, especially when the kids need watching and I can't distract myself with video games, the temptation to make a few delicious breakfast bagels or 5 bowls of cereal (because it's super easy) is too much. My doctor has suggested a blood pressure monitor, but that costs money too. I do want one though. Our bathroom scale is inoperative, apparently due to submersion in water (that's the drawback of smart scales, I guess). My wife did give me her old Fitbit, which I am enjoying, because I like tracking my data. I'm not so interested in monitoring my exact weight, though. I'd like to lose my stomach fat and love handles, that and a lower blood pressure is how I'd measure weight loss success. I feel like if I measure actual weight I'll be discouraged.

The fast food job is cutting hours due to SARS-CoV-2. I got there this morning and the manager on duty (who could stand to improve her work ethic in general - not really relevant, just a side note) opened the door and told me I wasn't going to be working that day. She could have called or texted, that would have been nice. I had gone to the local distribution center for a big box store in the area and asked if they were flexible on hours, and then applied online for early morning work from 2 AM to 7 AM. Being waved off this morning made me more confident in my decision. The distribution center pays almost twice as much as the restaurant anyways.

There's a section of the online application for assessment where they ask you questions to try and determine your personality. I feel like they're trying to assess how well I can tolerate bad coworkers and unrealistic targets, with an undercurrent of finding out how compliant I can be made. I think I'm going any promises made by management to be made on paper.

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