Friday, March 6, 2020

For Lent, so far, I've been trying to eat as little as possible. Not with any spiritual goal in mind, but because I need to lose weight and hey, this seems like a good time to do it. I do like a smidge of tradition every now and again.

In general when I go on a not-eating binge, I make exceptions for social times, like if I'm with a friend and it's lunchtime, I'll go for something. I'll pig out at a potluck. I'll also eat anything my wife makes me. She's got the kids to deal with so this doesn't affect my calorie intake all that much.

I had some thoughts on hunger and willpower but my wife just came in and put a plate of chicken and green beans next to me and she is playing Ni No Kuni and it's hard to concentrate, and maybe I'm a little irritable from a long day with no food, but she's eating too and the chewing is bugging me a little more than usual.

Did you know your blood glucose levels drop right before you eat, because your body is trying to keep a huge influx of blood sugar from throwing your homeostasis out of wack? I learned that today. Maybe that's why I'm grumpy, there's a plate of food here that's ready to go. I can ruminate on human motivation later I guess.

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